Nebraska SNAP EBT Food Stamps Eligibility

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Food and Nutrition Service in Nebraska provides food to low-income families to help supplement their grocery budget to include nutritious foods that are essential for health and well-being.

Every state has specific requirements for applying and eligibility including gross and net income limit tests, asset and resource limits, work requirements, and allowable deductions.

If your household contains a member who is 60 years or older or is disabled, some of these requirements are different.

You can also use the SNAP Food Stamp Calculator to get an idea of what your monthly EBT allowance might be, assuming your state determines you are eligible for food stamps.

Eligibility Criteria

Nebraska SNAP benefits eligibility depends on several factors including gross and net income tests, asset tests, household size and composition, allowable deductions, residency status, employment status, and your standing as far as any prior violations that are taken into account by your state.

OCT. 1, 2023 THROUGH SEPT. 30, 2024

Income Limits

Each state has a gross and net income test based on poverty level percentages which vary depending on your household size and composition, i.e.: if your household includes a person age 60 years or older or a disabled person.

What counts as income? SNAP counts cash income from all sources, including earned income (before payroll taxes are deducted) and unearned income, such as cash assistance, Social Security, unemployment insurance, and child support.

Gross Income Test

The gross income limit for SNAP benefits in Nebraska is 165% of the Federal Poverty Level. There is no gross income limit in Nebraska for households with a household member who is 60 or older or has a disability.

Household Size Maximum Gross Monthly Income 165% of Poverty
1 person $2071 / month
2 people $2811 / month
3 people $3550 / month
4 people $4290 / month
5 people $5030 / month
6 people $5770 / month
7 people $6509 / month
Each additional person +$740 / month

Net Income Test

The net income limit is 100% of the federal poverty level in Nebraska. Only households that include a member who is age 60 years or older or who has a disability with gross income over 165% of the federal poverty level have to meet this test.

Household Size Maximum Net Monthly Income 100% of Poverty
1 $1255
2 $1703
3 $2151
4 $2600
5 $3048
6 $3496
7 $3945
Each Additional Member +$449

Asset Limits

Resources: There is an asset limit of $25,000 for all households in Nebraska.

Resources are things like:

  • Checking and savings accounts.
  • Income-producing property.
  • Stocks, bonds, or mutual funds.

What counts as an asset? Generally, resources that could be available to the household to purchase food, such as amounts in bank accounts, count as assets. Items that are not accessible, such as the household's home, personal property, and retirement savings, do not count. Most automobiles do not count.


  • A household is defined as individuals who live together and purchase and prepare meals together.
  • Some individuals, such as those who are ineligible due to citizenship status or certain strikers, may not be included in the food stamp household.

Everyone who lives together and purchases and prepares meals together is grouped together as one SNAP household.

Some people who live together, such as spouses and most children under age 22, are included in the same SNAP household, even if they purchase and prepare meals separately.

If a person is 60 years of age or older and unable to purchase and prepare meals separately because of a permanent disability, the person and the person’s spouse may be a separate SNAP household if the others they live with do not have very much income (no more than 165 percent of the poverty level).

Work Requirements and Exemptions

Work requirements must be met by able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs) between the ages of 18 and 49:

  • They are required to work at least 20 hours per week or participate in an employment program.
  • ABAWDs are limited to three months of benefits in a three-year period unless working or enrolled in a work program.

Federal regulations require that all non-exempt adult SNAP participants register for work at the time of application and every 12 months thereafter. It is important to note that there is a subcategory of SNAP recipients, known as able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWDs), who must meet additional work requirements to maintain their eligibility.

An ABAWD is a person between the ages of 18-49 who has no dependents and is not disabled. These individuals can only receive SNAP for three (3) months in three (3) years if they do not meet the additional requirements.

Work exemptions are in place for persons under age 18, medically certified as physically or mentally unfit for employment, pregnant, and for persons responsible for the care of a dependent person.

Additional exemptions and specific rules for exemptions may apply.

Allowable Deductions

  • The standard deduction is $198 for household sizes of 1-3 persons, household size of 4 persons is $208, household size of 5 persons is $244, and household size of 6 people and above is $279.
  • Medical expenses that exceed $35 monthly.
  • The maximum excess shelter cost for nonelderly/nondisabled assistance units is $672.
  • The utilities-only standard deductions. (non-heating/cooling).
  • Standard Utility Allowance (SUA) (heating and cooling).
  • The telephone-only allowance.
  • The earned income deduction is 20%.
  • Dependent Care Costs Credit
  • Child Support Credit

Maximum Benefit Allowances

The allotments described here are for households in the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia. The allotments are different in Alaska, Hawaii, Guam, and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

Number of People Monthly Allowance
1 person $291 / month
2 people $535 / month
3 people $766 / month
4 people $973 / month
5 people $1155 / month
6 people $1386 / month
7 people $1532 / month
Each additional person +$219 / month

Application Process

To apply for SNAP benefits you can file an application online or print an application and mail it in. Go to the SNAP State Directory of Resources to find your state’s online portal to apply for benefits and local office telephone numbers.

Using Food Stamps

Once you are approved for SNAP benefits, you will be mailed an EBT card which you will first need to activate and then you will be able to use at most local grocery stores to purchase food. The EBT card works very similarly to a debit card and your purchase receipt will often show your remaining balance.

Discounts and Perks

Museums for All is a program that offers highly-discounted tickets to SNAP beneficiaries for participating museums and local area attractions such as museums, zoos, cultural centers, and historical sites.

Get 50% off your Amazon Prime Subscription if you are a SNAP benefits recipient.

Purchasing Restrictions

Food stamps cannot be used to purchase:

  • Alcohol or tobacco
  • Hot food or food meant for immediate consumption
  • Non-food items such as pet food, cleaning supplies, and hygiene items

Food stamps cannot be used at restaurants, except where states participate in the Restaurant Meals Program, which isn’t offered to all recipients.

Helpful Links

SNAP Food Stamp Calculator

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services

USDA SNAP Eligibility Website

Find Free Food and Groceries

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits

The information on this page was compiled from several sources including state health and human services department websites, social service department websites, the USDA, and, among others. Efforts have been made to post reliable and accurate information, however accuracy is not guaranteed. States make changes to eligibility requirements sometimes without notice and even reliable sources display conflicting information. For instance, the poverty level income amounts noted on Poverty Level Charts are different than those posted on the USDA SNAP poverty level income tables. Various states also have outdated information posted on their websites.

Poverty level income amounts for tables included in these pages have been extrapolated using annual poverty level income amounts posted by, which have then been divided by 12 in order to reach a monthly income amount.

It is always recommeded that you put in an application for benefits to find out exactly what you are eligible for in your state. Please make sure to double check any information with your assigned case manager or customer service representative in your state's SNAP benefits department.

If you notice any information on this page is incorrect, please send a note to Thank you!

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